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Welcome to GraceCommunity

We are a Community who firmly believes in God's word. Come journey with us.


GraceCommunity is an independent Christian church that has been a part of southeast Kansas since 1867.

You might notice there is no space between “Grace” and “Community.”  This is intentional. We believe that Grace and Community can only exist together. 

You can’t have community without grace because of the fallenness of mankind. We need grace not only to reconcile our relationship with God but also to be able to live in unity with one other.  Being gracious allows us to live, work, play and serve together. 

You also can’t have grace without community.  Grace is a kindness offered to someone else.  By nature grace involves others. You can’t participate in grace outside of community and you can’t have healthy community in the absence of grace. 

Lastly, we are a church, not a social club or organization. This is God’s designation for the people who assemble in His name. As a church we consider the Bible to be God’s Word. Therefore we try our best to follow what it says in all areas of life. We make no claims of perfection in this, we cling to salvation through Jesus Christ. We worship God, partake in the sacraments, tend to one another’s needs and celebrate the joys of life together.

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The success of our Church depends on participation from people like you. Get involved in our Ministries - it will change your life.