We ARE having church service this Sunday, May 10th.
From KOAM News on the State of Kansas’ guidelines:
– She (Governor Kelly) calls for limiting mass gatherings to 10 until May 18, to 30 until June 1 and 90 until June 15. Businesses also are getting industry-specific guidelines on a state website, and people are strongly encouraged to wear masks in public.
– Churches won’t have to follow the mass-gathering rules if they practice social distancing, deep clean their facilities and follow other guidance, such as not passing collection plates.
– Since we are okayed by the State to meet for worship we will.
– We are excited to be able to meet at church again for Sunday morning worship. We have followed the guidelines during this pandemic in order to do our part to stop the spread of this virus. As we gather this Sunday morning at our regularly scheduled time (10:30 am) we want to continue to be proactive toward the safety of those most vulnerable.
– We will not have greeters
– We will not use paper bulletins
– We will not have the coffee station
– We will not pass offering plates
– We will serve communion in individual packets
– We will encourage social distancing by spacing church chair rows
– The government recommendation reads, “We are strongly encouraging the use of a mask in public settings.” We will leave that up to you to follow your own conscience. But, please be honoring and respectful to those who hold to a different mindset than you, whether they wear a mask or do not wear a mask.
– We will have Children’s Church and nursery care and we are taking the necessary steps to provide a safe and healthy environment for our KidMin.
– We also understand that not everyone feels comfortable to gather for worship. Therefore this Sunday, we will provide a Facebook live streaming of the Sunday morning sermon.
– Obviously, if you are sick, or not feeling well, please consider others and stay at home.
– Even though we are taking all the precautions we believe we should, we can not promise or guarantee a 100% health free environment. That doesn’t ever happen anywhere people gather.
– As Christians, let’s be gracious and compassionate towards one another. Our church time is for the Worship of God and encouraging one another – Hebrews 10: 24,25. Please don’t let this be a time to haggle over politics or scrutinize each other’s view of COVID-19.
We are trying to gather to Worship the Lord, follow the guidelines set forth for our State, and honor one another above ourselves.
May the Lord be gracious and compassionate and may He guide our steps.
-Pastor Wes